Christ Was Born To Reconcile The Whole Created Order Back To God

Luke 2:1-7                           Col 1:15-23 All over the world, countless millions of people from all nations, languages, cultures, ethnic groups are celebrating Christmas. In Western countries, regardless of whether you are Christians or Muslim or Buddhist or Atheist, you are given a public holiday today. Countless people, regardless of their religious beliefs will give their closestContinueContinue reading “Christ Was Born To Reconcile The Whole Created Order Back To God”

God’s Plan To Restore Creation And Us Back To Who We Are Meant To Be

Isaiah 9:2-7, John 1:1-5 (call to worship)                        Luke 2:1-21                   We read in the first chapter of Genesis of how God creates. God does not create out of nothing. God creates out of what is only chaos symbolised in Genesis by darkness and raging waters. And out what is only chaos He creates this remarkablyContinueContinue reading “God’s Plan To Restore Creation And Us Back To Who We Are Meant To Be”

The Gift Of New Life

I have seen many stunning sights in both this and other countries.  On a clear and cold winters day saw the sea from the top of the “Basta-voets Pass” between Elliot and Rhodes.  I have explored the reefs beneath the waves at places like Durban and studied the coral fifteen meters below the waves atContinueContinue reading “The Gift Of New Life”

The Light Shone In The Darkness

 Isaiah 9:1-7                                                     John 1:1-14  John’s Gospel is filled with the interplay of imagery. John uses imagery and the contrasting of imagery to portray what he cannot place into words his understanding of God.  And he contrasts imagery to describe God who became human. He writes in the beginning of his Gospel In the beginning theContinueContinue reading “The Light Shone In The Darkness”

The Incarnation : The Affirmation Of Our Self-Worth

I don’t know of how many of you have seen that film “The Titanic” but I would guess just about everybody has. On the surface of things the film is about two people who discover each other on the ship The Titanic, who fall in love, and of how one of them dies to enableContinueContinue reading “The Incarnation : The Affirmation Of Our Self-Worth”

God’s Initiative To Reconcile

Christmas is time when there is much talk about peace – peace within families and between families and friends who may be estranged, peace between waring factions, communities and nations.  We take the passage of the message of the angels to the shepherds and use that as the motivation for our emphasis on peace.  TheContinueContinue reading “God’s Initiative To Reconcile”

The Responsibility Of The Hope We Are Celebrating

Imagine a world without hospitals, or operating theatres, or x-ray machines, or even antibiotics – a world without doctors or nurses – a world where illness is so misunderstood that those with any kind of skin condition become outcasts.  Imagine a world without any health-care programs, or any state provided health and social services, likeContinueContinue reading “The Responsibility Of The Hope We Are Celebrating”

The God Child And The Desire Of Our Hearts

I believe we were all born with a dream, a desire of heart deep within the very core of our being.  Like the genetic code that describes our unique physiques and mental dispositions, this dream, this desire has been woven into our beings from our birth.  In a wonderful book called “The Journey Of Desire”ContinueContinue reading “The God Child And The Desire Of Our Hearts”